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The Counterfeit Challenge Belle Nubian Skincare is Facing: Beware of Sellers Known for Counterfeiting

As we all know the counterfeit market is not only handbags or shoes but there are so many things that are being created daily as replicas of big brands that we love and use every day. We know almost everything is being made in China. We love our Chinese manufacturers, however, money talks for Chinese manufacturers and in this scenario, the big brands are getting hit on their revenue because of these counterfeited products.

It has recently come to our attention that one of our distributors (LOULOU BASED IN BELGIUM) has been producing counterfeit or fake products using our brand name Belle Nubian Skincare. She made fake pills, soaps, and creams. Many customers complain about the change in the color of the pills, this is how Belle Nubian company discovered the counterfeit. The Belle Nubian team sincerely apologized to all the customers on all social media platforms that bought from her.

We have made videos and several posts on our social media just to warn our beloved customers.

How to spot fake Belle Nubian products

Check the print
Pay attention to the packaging
Look at the pills, fake pills are not the same color and shape

We have done a video and pictures to illustrate which products are fake and which ones are real. Please PAY ATTENTION and see the differences below :

We have investigations going on to take care of this whole challenge we are facing as a brand.

Now we know you probably asking what now ? or How can I as a customer avoid this? Right? You can get authentic products only from our website, certified distributors and Amazon USA. You can pay with your credit card or debit card by using the Payeezy Gateway for paying for the products online. We love you and it is our sole responsibility to make sure we provide you with the best service. Do not despair. We are doing our level best?

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