We are living in an era where everything is changing constantly. With innovation, so many brands are born everyday. Non-stop productions, endless social media trends… We just have to embrace that things are changing rapidly and we have to constantly keep up with these changes. Great skin will never go out of style, and the innovations and developments in the beauty industry promise to deliver improved products with a health-friendly touch.
Belle Nubian Skincare has some awesome new products coming your way SOON! From new improved darkskin set to serums and body lotions, we hope you guys are ready for this. Skin care is an essential part of personal care. It includes everything, from correction to prevention, in the process of make-up. Not to forget how your skin plays an important role in the next 10-15yrs from now. We all have to take good care of it.
We are still keeping the products a surprise for now because we would like the launch to be special. Do take note of some of our specials this month.
The Diamond facial cream treats wrinkles and has a SPF 30 to protect you from the sun. Apply the mixture of the lotion on your skin twice a day, indeed for the facial cream and the spray that has to be used 6 times in the mouth.It is highly recommended to use 2 or 3 bottles of our concentrated whitening serums Belle Nubian or radiance in the lotion to have a faster result.